Today I had the privilege of waking up to this message from a total stranger…
“I’ve been hearing about agora financial for a while would love to see some copy examples”
In case you can’t see the image…
It’s a single Facebook message at 9:08am that reads:
“I’ve been hearing about agora financial for a while would love to see some copy examples”
My first reaction was, “is this someone I know?”
After looking into his profile and seeing NOT ONE mutual friend, my next reaction was…
“Should I dig up those examples for you right away, sir?”
Sarcasm, obviously.
This guy obviously didn’t follow the golden rule of copywriting when he wrote this message to me…
Whether it’s your boss, a client, your significant other…
We are all self-interested… Even when we’re acting like we’re not.
A random “I miss you/I love you” text…
It could be your partner feeling needy and seeking validation that you actually miss/love them (ouch).
That favor you did for someone else… Probably your ego wanting to feel helpful and needed.
The desires we least want to express and think are most “unique to us” are actually the most common to everyone.
At the end of the day we are all concerned about number 1…
Dale Carnegie wrote in How to Win Friends and Influence People that we all just want to feel IMPORTANT.
Remember that in everything you do.
The Facebook guy did a shit job of that in his message.
Maybe if he had said something nice and not just “me me me” I would answer him.
He didn’t even put the effort to ASK for anything. Just said what he wanted.
“I’ve been hearing about agora financial for a while would love to see some copy examples”
Now, I don’t think he’s a bad guy…
He’s probably a great guy, and would have never guessed this is how he might come off.
But there couldn’t be anything lower on my list of my priorities…
Never do that.
Keith Ferrazzi wrote in his best-seller, Never Eat Alone, Expanded and Updated: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time…
That if you make someone feel insignificant, your significance diminishes in their eyes.
Think about that. Ever had a boss or client you thought was a turd?
Or met a person who was otherwise wildly successful… but you thought they just sucked?
They probably made YOU feel insignificant; unimportant…
And right away, all their success and achievements didn’t mean SQUAT to you.
Remember in your relationships, at work, in your writing… make the other person feel IMPORTANT.
Remember the golden rule of copy: We all only care about “WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME.”
And of course, always be reading…
Click here for How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
A reader recently replied to one of my emails (which I encourage everybody to do at some point)…
Why the emails, the YouTube, the free content…
What’s my end goal? What’s my angle?
It’s a very direct question from one marketer/copywriter to another.
So I should just explain “the funnel.”
My answer was both the most unusual answer and the most common at the same time…
Because it flew in the face of all copywriting fundamentals.
And on paper- it made no sense.
In fact, my answer probably left Dear Reader thinking- “why would any intelligent copywriter ever do THAT?”
Is to drive some sort of ACTION.
I write these words in hopes that you will do “xyz.”
“Click here now.”
“Order now.”
“Subscribe now.”
I strengthen the persuasiveness of the words, and smother them in “intrigue” to further raise the chances you will do “xyz.”
But when presented by Dear Reader with the question: What’s MY xyz?
My answer was basically: “I dunno.”
A professional copywriter working at the top of the publishing food chain…
To knowingly waste HOURS DAILY (2.5 – 3 daily to put together a new YouTube video) creating free videos and emails…
(This post will consume about 30 minutes to write, edit, and post)
Just for a big fat “I dunno.”
But hear me out…
Because the truth is, I do have a bit of an endgame.
You see, there are now probably two or three Dear Readers I believe I could send a quick email and ask for a favor, and they would provide.
Even though I’ve been at this for SIX DAYS, and we have NEVER met before they hit this email list.
And I bet there are probably a couple “lurkers” who I haven’t interacted with who might surprise me with their generosity.
In reality, I’m collecting social currency right now.
In Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi preaches that the time to build your network is BEFORE you NEED a network.
And while I’m not a strong networker, I’m a pretty decent copywriter.
So no… I don’t have anything to pitch right now…
And although I do appreciate when you click on my amazon affiliate links…
I’m making a pretty good living working for Agora Financial.
is that maybe occasionally you mention my name in passing to a fellow marketer, as a helpful resource.
Or share one of my YouTube videos in a group somewhere online…
That’s it. That’s my CTA.
My “click here now.”
Well, that, and buy Never Eat Alone from this affiliate link NOW. 😉